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A Growing Community of SELISIANS

SELISE is built around multiple global teams consisting of 350+ members across 4 hubs. Our teams are expanding every month, with talented individuals from multidisciplinary backgrounds and interests. We are always on the search for dynamic, proactive, and passionate members for our growing organization.

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Work Ethic

We Work Smarter, Not Longer

We believe in empowering our team members to commit and perform their tasks as they deem reasonable to meet the teams objectives. Working efficiently allows us to spend our free time on non commercial fun activities.


We Value Cooperation and Teamwork

Every individual brings something unique to the table. Cooperation among our diverse set of team members enables us to do wonderful things for our customers and our communities as a whole.


And We Champion A rockin' Attitude

Our energetic and dynamic disposition allows us to continuously produce value at the forefront of an ever changing technology landscape.


Management Values at SELISE

Our principles to create world-class teams

At SELISE we strive to ensure each and every single member of our teams can reach their full potential. Our managers are enablers, not enforcers. Our decisions withstand market forces and we innovate in order to be on the right side of Creative Destruction. Thus we have no regrets for sunk cost and embrace challengers from all levels of the organization. Our first and foremost understanding of human performance is that virtue will always win in the long run.

Hear What Our Team Members Have to Say

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One of the things I love about my job is to see people grow while they do what they love. I get to see people set targets, push themselves and become stronger everyday here and that's beautiful.

Julian Weber


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Working with such talented team members at SELISE has really opened my eyes to a new definition of teamwork.


Software Engineer | SELISE ARC

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The best thing about SELISE is the friends I have made out of my colleagues during my stay here.

Shamsil Kamal

Business Analyst | Sales & Marketing

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I believe that I have learned thrice as much being in SELISE. A place you will easily learn to cherish for.

Manish Sharma

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The substantial working environment drives me to work harder and provides me with an open space to envision products to build. Selise has introduced me to the tech world and it gives me immense happiness to be a part of this amazing and dynamic industry.

Deepshika Chettri

Business Analyst | Bhutan

Who Should Not Join SELISE?

You would rather work by yourself instead of collaborating across teams. Fortunately for us, our teamwork does the talking.
You do not like surprise pizza or burgers. The first lesson in SELISE: Project milestones can never be reached on an empty stomach.
You have no interest in how your work impacts businesses around the world and you lack curiosity to learn topics beyond your own domain.
You don't appreciate different skills and proclivities and you don't believe in the magic power of joint exploitation of everyone's comparative advantages.
You do not like challenging your teammates to a friendly but highly competitive game of ping pong.
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Our Most Promoted Colleagues

Are approachable, flexible and always learning

Have a customer-first attitude

Underpromise, overdeliver

Understand that average is not enough

Honor commitments, respect colleagues

Photo Gallery

Have a glimpse of what we like to do during and after office hours

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Office Events

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Dynamic Team Members

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Friendly Matches

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Virtual Collaboration

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Office Banter

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Dynamic Work Teams

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Zürich Office

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Dhaka Office

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Cultural Events

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Thimphu Office

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Volleyball Games

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Coding Challenges

SELISE is a fast growing digital platform developer with innovation, consulting & IT delivery centers across Europe, Middle East and Asia.


Selise Rockin Software. All Rights Reserved.